Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hollywood Studios - Tuesday, April 5th

Hollywood Studios. Home of the Tower of Terror and Aerosmith's Rockin Roller Coaster.

How many extra pairs of underwear do you need to bring to this park? Depends how many times you are brave enough to venture onto these rides.

We took a Disney bus to the park, arriving around 10am. Another beautiful day, if memory serves. We headed straight for the Rockin Roller Coaster. This one I loved. Fast, fun and furious! Mackenzie was up for it too. Tami, well, she is a Disney veteran so she was up for anything.

Pair #1
After we survived this ride, Tami said we should do the Tower of Terror. She told us that even granny did it. - A ride that lifts you up several stories and then - drops you. Does it do it once?  No, No. Repeatedly this happens. Now, this one I wasn't so keen to try. Mack was hesitant, but none the less a willing participant. So, I followed the crowd and we got in line. It was about 20-30 minutes long. That's a lot of time to think about why the heck am I doing this.

(Thinking) 'Seriously, this is fun? I hear people screaming bloody murder.'
Pair #2

Amazingly enough, I loved this ride!! It was so much fun. All that worry for nothing. We did it again! I laughed like crazy. Not because it was funny, but because I was still scared shitless the second time. Mack loved it too and Tami was all like, 'I told you you'd love it.'
Super fun stuff.

That night we also did the Toy Story Mania. This one was lined up forever and the fast passes were sold out by 10:30am. So, we waited in line. 1 hour almost exactly. Now here is where Disney is clever. They have all this interactive stuff to keep you occupied while you wait. Here is a taste of what we saw.

Thought this was fun, especially since our dollar was higher.


Ha Ha Ha!

Mr. Potato Head sings, tells jokes and interacts with the crowd. How does he do that?

It was fun. Its like a big shooting gallery that you ride through, but in all seriousness, the couple minute ride wasn't worth the long wait.

We ate supper at Pizza Planet. It was tasty and they have a huge arcade there too. Then, we went to watch Fantasmic. The big laser light show for this park. It was really cool. Lots of action and effects. Worth staying for. They suggested that you get in line at least one hour prior to the show. We just walked up as people were filing in and got in no problem. Tonnes of seating and all very good spots too.


Fire and Water

We did a lot of walking around again this day. Looking through stores and in the back lots. The Studios are set up like old time Hollywood. Very nostalgic!

San Francisco

News Stand painted prop

Singing in the rain. If you put your foot in the right spot, it starts to rain. Just like Gene Kelly!
We also did the movie ride. That one is always fun and a great way to remember some of the old great movies. 

It was a great day! We headed back to the cabin after the Fantasmic show. Mack and I decided to check out one of the pools at the resort. Beautiful night! Hardly anyone in the pool. We had a ball!
We swam at the Meadow Swimmin' Pool for our first night in the water. It is the one with the water slide.

A swim was the perfect way to end our night.

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