Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Animal Kingdom - April 6th

I have to admit that Animal Kingdom is my favourite of all the parks. Although they all offer something different, I think that its the trees and beauty of Animal Kingdom that makes me love it the most. That and Expedition Everest.

This was an early morning as we had booked a character breakfast at Tusker House for 9am. Again, we took the Disney bus to the park. Very convenient.

The Tusker house breakfast is hosted by Donald Duck and attended by Mickey, Daisy and Goofy. When you arrive your party has their picture taken with Donald outside first.

Lovin the Donald

Then, you go inside where you are taken to your table and your waitress comes over and tells you about the buffet and pours you fresh fruit juice. The buffet has everything you can think of, plus a few African influenced dishes. As I have a fish allergy, (they take allergies very seriously) the chef came out and offered to take me through the buffet so as to point out anything that may contain fish. I was okay going up by myself though, so we went and piled our plates. 

As you eat, each of the characters comes to your table and has their picture taken with you and will sign your autograph books. It was swell! The food was delicious and plentiful too.

The Buffet Area
   Tusker House Restaurant
Mickey Waffle

Enjoying Breakfast! Yum!

After a very filling breakfast, we made our way over to Asia and Expedition Everest Roller Coaster. We took some photo ops along the way. 
                              The Tree of Life                       Our Favourite Ice Cream Bus

                                                                              Yak and Yeti Restaurant

Ok, on to Everest! This, in my opinion, is the best ride at Disney. It was Mack's first time on it as he was too little when we were here 4 years ago. I think that he is sold on this ride too. After we all went on together, we started to use the single rider line. Best thing ever! 5 minute waits when the main line is close to an hour or more. Fabulous as long as you don't care if you are all riding together. I think that we did this one about 4 times this day.                                                                                                             

We also managed to do the Kilimanjaro Safari. It is a bumpy ride in a big truck through the Savanna looking at lots of different animals of Africa. We saw every animal as the weather was just right, hot after a great rain the night before. Here are a few pics from that trek!

Termite Tower


Mack enjoys the ride. Lots to see!

Lion was being shy, but he was gorgeous!

We had an incredible day here. Perfect weather and saw lots of animals and did a few rides, ate a great meal and saw fabulous sights. Lets not forget the parade and ice cream! It is so beautiful in Animal Kingdom. As the day wore on, the park emptied out a bit and we were able to see things with more ease.

The Living Tree (its a real person look closely) and David Arquette

Walking thru the mist on one of the trails
Great rest area in Asia
  There are some great little tucked away places to sit and rest or have a snack and get out of the sun too. The Tree of Life is filled with many animals to find. We spent a bit of time there trying to find as many as we could.

Bug mask, you see things the way a bug does.

There are several different areas to see in Animal Kingdom. Asia, Africa, the Oasis, Dinoland USA, and more. We did the Dinosaur ride in Dinoland and took some goofy pictures at those cardboard type props. What is a trip without posing with a couple of those after all.

We also watched the Finding Nemo Stage show. It was really cute. Loved it! 
And... we met lots of characters like Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Eeyore, Flik, Lilo and Stitch, and Baloo and King Louie. Sweet!!

Fabulous day all round! I could put a bunch more pictures in, but I'll save some for a later blog.
Everest in the background!

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