Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Magic Kingdom - April 7th

So, I don't know if you remember me talking about the 'paint brush' on Tom Sawyer's Island, but, today Mack and I decided that we were going to attempt to find one. The two of us headed to Magic Kingdom first thing in the morning, like 8am. Tami decided to stay at the cabin for the morning. We took the boat over and set off for the Island soon to find out that AdventureLand didn't open until 9am. So we went and did a couple rides in TomorrowLand. When AdventureLand opened, we headed straight to the Island. Only to discover that it didn't open until 10am. Yeesh! Could have slept in.

Ok, anyway, we get onto the Island as soon as it opens with a boat load of people, most of whom are trying to find these brushes. They have all read the same website as me obviously. We get off the raft and everyone runs for different places. We headed left and Mack went up to the Mill house with everyone else and I went off to the little landing area by myself. I did a quick survey and as I glanced up at a bucket hanging on a post, I saw a little strip of white sticking out of the top of the bucket. I tried to reach it but because i'm so short, couldn't do it on my own. I pulled a rocking chair over and grabbed the prize. A blue handled white wash paintbrush. We did it!! We actually found one! Well, actually we found two, but we told another family were the second one was.

With the success of our find, we go back to the dock to hand our paintbrush over to the raft Captain to get our prize of free fast passes for the day. Now here's the thing. The website that I found this exciting info on is not a Disney site so therefore, they may not always tell the whole truth about things. For example, finding a paintbrush on Tom Sawyer's Island does not give you a free fast pass for your whole family for the whole day on all the rides. It gives you One free fast pass for your whole family for One ride that can be used anytime Once in that day. A bit disappointing, but we were still happy for what we received and had lots of fun getting pumped up about the search. Well worth doing!
The rest of the morning we spent getting our picture taken with some of the characters and princesses. I made Mack get his picture taken with the Princesses, much to his chagrin. 

We did a few of our favourite rides, like Thunder Mountain Railroad, Buzz Lightyear and we also rode the WDW Railroad around the park. It was a beautiful ride. Nice way to see the back side of Thunder Mountain and get a look at all those crazy props that you go whizzing by on the ride. We watched the 'Celebrate It' parade too. It was a great start to our day. 
Around 2pm or so, Mackenzie and I headed back to the cabin for a bite to eat. We went for a swim at the second pool which was a great way to beat the heat of the day.

Then we went back to Magic Kingdom that evening with Tami and did a ton more rides, watched the Electric Parade and had a blast! We did every ride there was in TomorrowLand including Space Mountain, which for some reason I have a fear of. Loved it this time! 

We rode the People Mover a few times. That is a great way to see the park from a little higher vantage point and it is so relaxing. The best time to do the popular rides is during the fireworks and parade and after they are over as everyone is then leaving the park. No line ups. We used our free fast pass for Splash Mountain, and again got soaked.

Here are some classic pictures in front of Cinderella's Castle.

It was yet another fabulous day! 

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